4 Ways You Can Increase Your Sales as a Small Business

Whether you are a large or small company, increasing your sales will be a top priority and always at the forefront when making business decisions. There are several ways that a business can increase its sales no matter what the budget. At times it may be challenging to keep your marketing budget under control, have a look below at some of the ways you can increase your sales as a small business.
Gather Reviews and Repeat Custom
One of the best resources you can use to increase your companies revenue is your current customers. Upselling and adding on items to your current customer’s purchase list can be much easier and less time consuming than trying to gain new sales especially if they are already familiar with your work, products, and/or quality of services. Another brilliant way to gain an increase in sales is to allow customers to review your products and services so that other potential customers can view it. By doing this, new customers who may be shopping around for the best product may find your brand. A lot of people nowadays rely on reviews before making a decision to purchase so having reviews readily available could be profitable.
Offer Bundles and Deals
It has been proven that offering bundles and package deals to the customer can gain and increase revenue for a small business. They seem to be more attractive than offering individual items. It’s often the case that people see bundles as receiving a saving even if the saving is small, meaning it’s much easier for you to sell. It’s a good idea to keep your bundles relatively flexible; you may find that some customers don’t find bundles that match their needs and get put off. So staying flexible means you can offer the ability to swap and change, it may just mean offering tailored services at times. This is bound to make you stand out and become successful. Another way of increasing sales through deals and sales is when companies incorporate seasonal offers. Although a portfolio of yearly deals could take some time to build up and are mainly used for larger more established businesses, smaller businesses can still take advantage of this form of marketing.
Interesting Newsletters
Although a lot of communications for a business are now done through live chats, social media and over the telephone email is still a popular option for connecting with your customers. By building an email list and producing interesting, factual newsletters and deals you are able to gain an increase in sales. You can also look into creating flyers an leaflets, however, designing and printing fliers and leaflets can be costly at times so sending them via emails could be the cheaper option. Bear in mind that emails like this can appear as ‘spam’ mail by using specific keywords such as email subject lines for sales is advised.
Use Social Media
Nearly everyone has some sort of social media platform that they are now using, whether it’s Facebook, Instagram or Twitter so taking advantage of these can be very fruitful for any business. Not only do you have free services where you are able to advertise your products and service for free you also have an active online presence which is what the newer generation are looking for; easy access on the go. If you’re worried about dedicating the time to social media then you could always look into outsourcing the work to a freelance social media management service. A brilliant way to utilize platforms such as Instagram is to offer your services or products on a trial basis in order to gain a review and online content from online influencers, this is a fast-growing and proven method of marketing that is sure to increase your sales.
Consider Increasing Your Prices
Although this isn’t always the most popular with customers it can be expected over time. Cost is forever rising so your prices should increase in line with this. You may think that by increasing your sales will potential deter customers from using your services or purchasing your products however people have come to expect slight increases over time, especially if a product is improving or service levels are becoming more efficient. If you are going to increase your prices for current customers it’s a good idea, not to hide it or try to shy away from the increase, this could lead to you losing custom and having the opposite effect to the increase of your revenue. Raising your prices should never be taken lightly so make sure you have completed all the relevant research and weighed up the pro’s and cons before you make any commitments. You could try raising the prices of a few products or services at a time and see how that runs first.
Do you have any other ways that you could increase your sales as a small business? Share them in the comments section below.